Collection of Messages and Heart-advises from Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo
On this sacred new year of LOSAR 2152, may the boundless blessings of the Three Jewels and the Three Roots fill your life with wisdom, clarity, and unshakable strength. May your heart be steadfast in the Dharma, your mind open and fearless, and your compassion boundless.
May this year bring profound peace, deep realization, and inexhaustible merit. May all your aspirations unfold effortlessly, and may the brilliance of bodhicitta shine through you, bringing benefit to all beings.
With heartfelt prayers for your well-being and Dharma journey—Tashi Delek and a most joyous LOSAR!
Choekyi Gonpo
Dear Friends and Students,
As we step into the 2025 Western New Year, let us pause to reflect on the timeless wisdom of the Four Noble Truths, a guiding light toward a life of peace, purpose, and profound joy.
Life is a journey of diverse experiences—both uplifting and challenging. Courageously embracing this truth opens our hearts to resilience, compassion, and gratitude for every moment.
Our struggles often arise from our attachments and unfulfilled desires. By cultivating mindful awareness, we can gracefully navigate life with clarity and find freedom from the burdens we carry.
True liberation is not a distant dream but a reality within reach. Through self-awareness and acts of compassion, we can nurture a deep well of inner peace, transforming our lives and the lives of those around us.
The Noble Eightfold Path offers practical and profound steps to illuminate our way:
1. Right View: Seeing the world with wisdom and an open heart.
2. Right Intention: Rooting ourselves in kindness and compassion.
3. Right Speech: Speaking with honesty, gentleness, and care.
4. Right Action: Choosing to act with love and integrity in all we do.
5. Right Livelihood: Engaging in work that uplifts and benefits all beings.
6. Right Effort: Persevering with dedication toward meaningful growth.
7. Right Mindfulness: Being fully present, cherishing the gift of each moment.
8. Right Concentration: Cultivating focus to reveal clarity, serenity, and wisdom.
May this New Year inspire you to live these timeless principles, nurturing a life of radiant peace, boundless joy, and compassionate service.
Happy New Year!
With heartfelt blessings and love,
Choekyi Gonpo
On this sacred day of Lhabab Düchen, the Buddha’s descent reminds us of the boundless kindness of mothers. Just as the Buddha ascended to the heavens to honor his mother’s love by teaching the Dharma, let us cherish all mothers—our first teachers—with gratitude and compassion.
May we dedicate our millionfold virtuous merits today to the happiness and liberation of all beings, embodying the Buddha’s wisdom and love in every thought, word, and deed.
Wishing everyone a heartwarming Lhabab Düchen!
Drukpa Choegon
My Dear Friends & Disciples,
As the moon wanes, making way for the Lunar New Year and the sacred Losar celebration, we also step into the Fifteen Days of Miracles—a time rich with potential for profound transformation and the accumulation of unparalleled merit—a period holds deep significance for those dedicated to the Dharma.
This past year, with its trials and transformations, has served as a profound teacher, revealing to us the transient nature of happiness and peace within the cycle of samsara. Faced with the remnants of pandemics and world conflicts, it becomes crucial, now more than ever, to ground ourselves in Dharma. The suffering and tribulations we witness and endure are not mere obstacles; they are invaluable opportunities to embody the teachings, train our minds, and demonstrate the resilience of our spiritual practice.
Each new year gifts us the chance to reflect inwardly, refine our intentions, and renew our commitment to the Dharma path. Dear friends and disciples, remember that the true essence of our practice lies not in avoiding difficulties but in transforming our hearts and minds by applying the teachings of Lord Buddha.
As we navigate the complexities of life, may we be guided by wisdom that embraces change, compassion that extends beyond ourselves, and loving-kindness aimed at the well-being of all. Let every challenge be a moment to cultivate patience, every joy an opportunity to nurture gratitude, and every encounter a chance to enrich our practice of loving-kindness. May we treasure the lessons learned, fostering a community bound by empathy, understanding, and mutual support.
I pray for the blessings of the Three Jewels to be upon each of you, guiding you toward achieving your highest aspirations and nurturing the seeds of hope, courage, and compassion within. May this Lunar New Year and Losar draw you closer to the essence of your true selves and further our collective journey toward compassion, understanding, and spiritual awakening.
With my warmest wishes for a year filled with auspiciousness and meaningful achievements,
Choekyi Gonpo
February 10, 2024
Dear Friends and Students,
As we greet the first light of 2024, let us step forward together on a path of mindfulness, guided by the enduring principles of kindness and compassion.
In this interconnected tapestry of life, our every action gently echoes, reaching out to touch the hearts and lives of others in ways we may never fully comprehend. Let us nurture a spirit of loving-kindness, radiating our goodwill to all beings, near and far. Remember, the joy we seek thrives best when it blooms from seeds of shared happiness, not from the soil of others' discomfort.
Each challenge we encounter is a hidden gem, offering lessons in growth and insight. Let us draw strength from the wisdom of the Dharma, cultivating patience and tolerance. Facing every twist and turn with a tranquil and receptive heart, we discover the liberating joy of humility.
May 2024 be the canvas upon which your dreams are vividly painted, adorned with strokes of joy, growth, peace, and success. Approach each new day with faith, hope, kindness, and unwavering diligence, crafting a year that's truly remarkable.
Sending you my heartfelt wishes for a blessed, joyous, and magnificent 2024.
Choekyi Gonpo
Tashi Deleg to All Dear Friends and Disciples!
On this sacred Lhabab Düchen, let us take a moment to honor the profound kindness of all mothers, following the Buddha's luminous example.
May we express our deepest gratitude by sharing the Dharma's wisdom in word and deed, aspiring to liberate not just ourselves but all beings from the cycle of suffering.
Let this day be a heartfelt tribute to the nurturing spirit that gives life and the teachings that guide us toward enlightenment.
In repaying kindness with kindness, may we all find liberation on our path.
Choekyi Gonpo
November 4, 2023
Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters,
A joyous Saga Dawa Duchen to you all, on this most sacred day in honor of Lord Buddha. Each action today resonates a hundred million times. Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo invites us to seize this divine moment, deepening our practice and gathering a bounty of merits.
Let's live compassion — the heart of Lord Buddha's teachings — by gently stepping onto the path of vegetarianism, if only for this single, auspicious day.
May your Saga Dawa Duchen be immensely blessed and your virtuous aspirations fulfilled.
Happy Saga Dawa Duchen!
My Dear Friends and Disciples,
Every Buddha across the vast expanse of time – past, present, and those yet to come – has attained Buddhahood through reliance on a spiritual teacher. The essence of this reliance is genuine, unceasing devotion. To traverse the path of Dharma without such devotion is like a wanderer lost in the wilderness, a traveler without a compass. The luminous wisdom of the Drukpa Kagyu forefathers – Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, and others - sprang from the wellspring of single-minded devotion. This is the key, the very lifeblood that nourishes the journey toward progress and attainment in Vajrayana.
The guru is our sacred bridge, the only conduit that connects us with all the deities of practice. Through the guru's compassion, we are introduced to the Yidam deity via mind-maturing empowerment, mind-liberating guidance, and the transformative power of oral instruction. Essentially, the guru and the deity are inseparable. The blessings of all deities are bestowed upon us through the guru. Only when our hearts are aflame with pure, fervent devotion can our minds become receptive vessels for these blessings. Enlightenment without obtaining the guru’s blessing is unattainable. Engaging in profound practice without devotion is like a towering tree with no roots, unable to stand, unable to thrive.
Guru Yoga is the most profound method to generate and sustain unwavering devotion. It is the path that leads us straight to the heart of enlightenment – the one that accomplishes all. No practice is deeper, no wisdom vaster. It forms the core and foundation of all stages of practice, a passage of certainty, safety, and swiftness that leads to the luminous shores of enlightenment.
When our minds are ignited with the sacred flame of devotion, the guru's blessings become a torch of guiding light within us, instilling a deep-seated confidence that carries us through the ups and downs of life. We then embody the true spirit of a Dharma practitioner, capable of coping with all kinds of circumstances, transforming adversities into the path of bodhi, taking them as the guru's blessings that purify our karma, strengthen our practice, and heighten our realization.
Constant devotion is itself a powerful prayer. Cultivate heartfelt devotion, and liberation will be ours.
I wish you all a Happy Saga Dawa!
Choekyi Gonpo
May 20, 2023
Time flies, and we are so very blessed to still be able to welcome another brand-new year.
Happiness is what all living beings crave. Without proper understanding and living life according to the universal laws of loving kindness, pursuing so-called happiness unscrupulously will only drag one deeper into the suffering of samsara.
The long-dragged pandemic and unnecessary wars have claimed millions of lives and left hundreds of millions more struggling mentally, physically, and financially. It is truly heart-wrenching seeing countless mother-beings battling hard with all these manmade catastrophes and afflictions.
Spiritually, we understand suffering and the causes of suffering. However, bearing and enduring suffering need actual practice. Only then we can internalize the true Dharma, which gives us strength, faith, and power to coexist peacefully with all kinds of challenges, misfortunes, and sufferings. Dharma here means anything that encompasses all for good.
As the 2023 New Year dawn, I sincerely wish and pray that all sentient beings, particularly my dear friends and disciples, with the blessings of the Three Roots, could comprehend the true meaning of life and attain the very essence of the freedoms and advantages of the precious human existence.
Embrace that everything happens for a reason, and every reason has its own cause, and it can be the source of goodness. Do not lose hope. Rekindle your pledges for altruism and loving kindness. Reach out for your dreams. Every fall, every hardship will bring you to a greater height.
When our life is filled with adversities, we must transform it into the path of Bodhi.
Wishing all an auspicious and meaningful 2023!
With much love, prayer and blessing,
Choekyi Gonpo
Dear Friends and Disciples,
Today, May 31st is the first day of Saga Dawa. As all of you are already aware, Saga Dawa, the fourth lunar month of the Tibetan Calendar, is the most special month of Vajrayana.
It is a six-in-one remarkable day commemorating the six major life events of Lord Buddha: Queen Maya’s miraculous conception; Lord Buddha's extraordinary birth; Prince Siddartha cut off his hair to renounce worldly life as a bhikkhu; his victory over all Maras; his attainment of perfect enlightenment, and his passing into Maha-Parinirvana. All these six events took place on the full-moon-day of Saga Dawa – the Saga Dawa Duchen.
During this time, one should strive to engage in any activities that are related to the Six Paramitas. Making offerings to the Sangha communities, life releasing, taking Refuge, reflecting on the life story of Lord Buddha, reading Sutras, sharing the highest gift – Dharma – with loved ones and others, etc.
In Tibet, devotees and practitioners seize this great opportunity to embark on new virtuous endeavors such as making a life-long commitment to retreat, becoming vegetarians, abandoning killing, giving up unwholesome habits, etc.
We should strive to turn all our efforts and time into Dharma. Do our very best endeavoring in virtues and avoid negative deeds. Drop by drop, we accumulate whatever merits according to our capacity. Good karma and bad karma multiply incredibly in this month, especially good karma. So, it is time to practice virtues!
I strongly urge all my disciples to be vegetarians and spend more time in meditation, mantra recitation, and other practices, such as Sojong, etc. At the end of your practice, conclude it with The King of Aspirations Prayer by Bodhisattva Samantabhadra (Zangchö Monlam), followed by The Aspiration Prayer of Samantabhadra Buddha (Kunzang Monlam). It is an incredibly powerful period to realize one’s aspiration.
Wishing you all a virtuous, auspicious, and wish-fulfilling Saga Dawa!
Choekyi Gonpo
May 31st, 2022
p/s: Saga Dawa month is from May 31st to June 29th, 2022. Saga Dawa Duchen falls on June 14th, 2022.
Tashi Deleg Dharma Brother and Sisters,
We are delighted to share the prayer text for the ongoing Green Tara Dungdrup that Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo initiated on LOSAR, 3rd March 2022.
Our beloved Guru specially arranged this prayer text to help participants maximize the recitation benefits. There are two versions, short and long texts. We share the concise supplication here as we believe it suits most people’s needs.
Rinpoche advised that all participants can recite the supplication praises, aspiration, and dedication in their languages, not necessarily in Tibetan. Most importantly, they know the meaning of what they are reciting, but mantra pronunciation must be as accurate as possible. Otherwise, reciting without understanding its essence is no different than a parrot.
Rinpoche also reminds all to practice the recitation with The Three Excellences* and do their best to maintain The Five Perfections** during recitation. If one wishes to recite the whole day, they can start the recitation of the day by reading the supplication verses in the morning and then continue to recite the mantra throughout the day and then conclude the recitation at night by reading the ‘Aspiration and Dedication’ verses.
Every participant just needs to recite according to their capabilities daily and does not need to report the number to us. Only those who recited above 100,000 and wish to share their number can send us their names to include their recitation count in our grand total. Merit attained is equal for all. Dechen Choekhor and its branch monasteries Sanghas should complete the Dungdrup in 6 to 8 months.
Happy Reciting. May it benefit all!
Click on the link to listen to The Concise Green Tara Dungdrup Prayer, transmitted and chanted by Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo IX.
*The Three Excellences:
1) Refuge and Bodhicitta.
2) Maintain The Five Perfections** during recitation:
a. The perfect lord – visualize Green Tara inseparable from the guru.
b. The perfect teaching – understand that the mantra encompasses the essence of all the 84,000 Dharma taught by Lord Buddha.
c. The perfect place – imagine that you are dwelling in the splendid Turquoise Pure Land of Green Tara.
d. The perfect disciples - envisage that all the disciples are in the form of the deity.
e. The perfect time – recognize that the times are beyond the past, present, and future.
3) Dedicate the accumulated merits to all beings with the relevant dedication prayers.
Dear Friends and Disciples,
LOSAR Tashi Deleg!
The last two years have been very challenging and tough. The pandemic strikes the very core of our hearts, lets us live through the meaning of impermanence, and shows us nothing will last forever. The Buddha’s teachings become even more crucial during this time. Life is short. The only thing that truly helps us is Dharma.
The confinement also gives us lots of time to reflect and practice Dharma. At Dechen Choekhor, we have accomplished a few DUNGDRUP (hundred-million mantra recitation) – Vajra Guru Dungdrup, Mani Dungdrup, Amideva Dungdrup, and Padmashawari Dungdrup.
This year, we are starting the Green Tara Dungdrup “OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SVAHA” on LOSAR. I sincerely hope everyone can make time to participate in this joint recitation. For an individual to accomplish a Dungdrup by themselves takes a long, long time. Through the collaborative efforts of all, every participant is able to attain the Dungdrup’s merit swiftly and equally.
At the dawning of LOSAR, I wish all of you to unfold a new era of life that is happier, healthier, more successful, and prosperous. Stay well and stay safe. LOSAR Tashi Deleg!
Choekyi Gonpo
March 3rd, 2022 @2149 LOSAR
Note to participants:
Every participant just needs to recite according to their capabilities daily and does not need to report the number to us. Only those who recited above 100,000 can send us their names to include their recitation in our total count. Merit attained is equal for all. Dechen Choekhor and its branch monasteries Shangas should complete the Dungdrup in 6 to 8 months. Happy Reciting. May it benefit all!
Click here to listen to Choekyi Gonpo's chanting of Green Tara Prayer.
(May 12th, 2021 – January 17th, 2022)
We are delighted to announce that the eight months ‘Joint Recitation of Dorje Gotrab Vajra Armour Dungdrup’ since the first day of Saga Dawa last year has been concluded with auspiciousness on the Amitabha day of the eleventh Tibetan lunar month.
Dechen Choekhor and its main branch monastery’s sanghas alone have completed 200 million recitations. The reported numbers from the worldwide participants are approximately 60 million.
Padmashawari mantra is a very powerful mantra of protection, and reciting it brings forth immense merits. My three root-gurus: Adeu Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, and Khamtrul Rinpoche, also engaged in this practice. This mantra is especially effective in protecting practitioners from all kinds of obstacles, sicknesses, infectious diseases, evil spirits, and so on.
It would be highly beneficial if one could continue to recite the mantra. Remember to keep the volume down and recite softly, gently, and calmly with ‘The Three Excellences.’
May it benefit all!
Choekyi Gonpo
Jan. 17th, 2022.
Click here to view and listen to Padmashawari Prayer text and chant by Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo.
2022 Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche’s Message
No matter how challenging the current situation is when we look back, it’s just another life lesson. With patience, faith, kindness, and the understanding of the infallible truth of KARMA, we can always maintain calmness and poise.
Wishing all a Happy, Safe, and Blessed 2022!
Choekyi Gonpo IX
January 1, 2022.
Tashi Deleg to All Dear Friends and Disciples!
Today, October 27, is a very blessed day – LhaBab Düchen – commemorating the anniversary of Lord Buddha descending from the realm of gods and returning to our world after spending three months bestowing the sublime Dharma to his mother and the celestial beings there.
Think of Lord Buddha, feel from the very depth of our hearts how fortunate we really are for meeting his teachings and following his footsteps that empower us to benefit ourselves and others, especially our beloved mother.
Every new day is a new life. Live every day meaningfully and cheerfully. In the morning, open your eyes with gratitude. At night, close your eyes with gratefulness. Be happy and be thankful for everything. Stay well, stay happy and stay safe.
Choekyi Gonpo
October 27, 2021.
My Dear Friends and Disciples,
Happy Saga Dawa Duchen!
Today, May 26th, is the great sacred day of Lord Buddha.
According to some Buddhist school, it is a four-in-one occasion commemorating the four major life events of Lord Buddha: Queen Maya’s miraculous conception, the Buddha's miraculous birth, his attainment of perfect enlightenment and his passing into Maha-Parinirvana. All these four events took place on the full-moon-day of Saga Dawa.
On top of that, tomorrow is also a special day of total lunar eclipse combines with super-moon. Thus, it is an exceptional day with incredible blessings, powers and merits for practices and meditation.
I strongly urge all my disciples to be vegetarians, spend more time in meditation, mantra recitation and other practices, such as Sojong, etc. At the end of your practice, conclude it with the King of Aspirations Prayer by Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (Zangchö Monlam), followed by the Prayer of Samantabhadra Buddha, Kuntu Zangpo (Kunzang Monlam).
Wishing all an auspicious and wish-fulfilling Saga Dawa’s Full-Moon. Happy practising!
With Much Love & Blessings,
Drukpa Choegon
May 26, 2021.
My Dear Friends and Disciples,
Happy Saga Dawa!
The current pandemic, among the worst global health crises in human history, has claimed millions of lives and left millions more wrestling with debilitating mental and physical consequences. We, humans, are nothing more than another species of creature on earth. However, the damages done by us to our mother earth are disproportionately greater than all other living creatures combined.
We are destroying nature at an unprecedented rate – deforestation, environmental pollutions, degradation of lands, exploitation of natural resources, excessive farming, etc., have cost the lives of billions of other co-inhabitants and leave behind an ailing mother earth. If we continue to abuse nature, mother earth will fight back. The current devastating and unrelenting rampage of infection is a warning signal. We can’t deny that it is the result of our common karma. Destroying nature, we are destroying our own future too. We are all interconnected and interdependent.
Therefore, in this sacred month of Saga Dawa, I earnestly hope and appeal to everyone, within your own capacity, to do your part in saving and healing our mother earth. Try to observe vegetarianism or at least reduce meat consumption for a month. Join our hearts and souls as one, sincerely engage in virtues, diligently practice and wholeheartedly pray for the well-being of all living beings and the swift pacification of the pandemic.
With the blessings and powers of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions of the three times, and the special multiplication effects of the sacred Saga Dawa, may all our wishes and aspirations be fulfilled spontaneously.
Lastly, I am delighted to announce that we have successfully completed The Hundred-Million Mantra Recitation of The Three Buddhas: Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara, and Guru Rinpoche. From tomorrow onwards, the first day of the auspicious Saga Dawa, we are going to start the Vajra Armor mantra recitation once again until the end of this year. All are encouraged to participate.
Wishing all an auspicious and blessful Saga Dawa.
With Much Love,
Drukpa Choegon
May 12, 2021.
Click here to listen to Padmashavari (Vajra Armour Dorje Gotrab) Prayer by Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo IX
Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo 2148 LOSAR Message
Dearest Friends and Disciples,
Happy New year! Tashi Deleg!
This LOSAR New Year of ours has been an unprecedented one of our times. Celebrating a new beginning in the midst of such a pandemic indeed makes it very challenging.
The Buddha has renounced everything to gain one thing – enlightenment! Similarly, in this pandemic many of us have lost something – job, income, sustenance, the freedom of movement, and some, their loved ones. However, it also provided us an excellent opportunity to gain life's most precious lessons – the fragility of our existence, the impermanence of the day-to-day status quo that we used to live, the interdependent of mankind, the preciousness of family and friends. This is exactly as what Lord Buddha has taught us, "Every adverse circumstance is our teacher."
Good or bad, nothing will stay forever. This pandemic too shall pass, naturally. And with the world’s vaccination effort, we will soon return to the life that we were longing for. Just like the night is followed by day, and winter is followed by spring. When one door closes, another shall open. Let's look forward to new beginnings – a fresh start that fills with endless possibilities.
As the Lunar New Year dawns upon us, we pray deeply for the swift pacification of the pandemic and the betterment and well-being of all. Our monks have persevered over the past one year uninterruptedly to accomplish over 300 million mantras, and we will continue the Dungdrup recitation of various mantras until the pandemic has been completely pacified. We dedicate these merits for the well-being and happiness of all inhabitants in the world, especially for the Dharma Sangha family and our benefactors.
On behalf of DCM I take this specially occasion to thank you all, from the bottom of my heart for supporting my dharma activities and the monastery Grand Pujas throughout the years.
Stay well, and stay positive!
Wishing you all an auspicious Year of the Golden Ox, fully loaded with happiness and success.
Choekyi Gonpo
Feb. 12, 2021 @ 2148
Tashi Deleg Dharma Brother and Sisters,
We are happy to announce that "The 100 Million Avalokiteshvara Heart Mantra Recitation (Mani Dungdrup)" has been concluded with auspiciousness on the last Dakinis's Day on January 8th, 2021. The total number of recitations accomplished by Dechen Choekhor and its Himalaya branch monasteries' Sangha community alone is 140 million. If the recitations by the lay practitioners are taken into account, it would be easily a few hundred million.
As a continuity, Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo is presiding over The 100 Million Amitabha Mantra Recitation (Amideva Dungdrup) on January 8th, 2021. Upon completion, we shall accomplish the Three Kayas practices: The Nirmanakaya Guru Padmasambhava (Siddhi Dungdrup), The Sambhogakaya Avalokiteshvara (Mani Dungdrup) and The Dharmakaya Amitabha (Amideva Dungdrup). How very fortunate we are to accomplish the merits of 300 million recitations in less than a year's time. What a great joy and accomplishment!
Rinpoche deeply wishes and urges all his disciples, and those connected to him to participate in this Amideva Dungdrup, to accomplish the benefit for self and others. This is especially important during the current pandemic which is extremely challenging and difficult for many. Let's join our heart and mind and effort to pray for all living beings. May it benefit all!
(written according to Rinpoche’s words of advice)
Click to view The Amideva Dungdrup Prayer or listen to The Chant of Amitabha Prayer by Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo IX.
Greetings and Tashi Deleg to all My Friends and Students!
Warmest and heartfelt thanks to all for your New Year greetings and well wishes.
2020 has been very difficult for all of us. Even though it has been really tough, we as practitioners, should have learned a great lesson out of it, and practice even much harder. Many of you did and persevere in your practice despite all these unprecedented challenges. Nothing is more important than following and keeping the pure Dharma in life. Only Dharma can clarify our confusion. Only Dharma can guide us, and bring the true meaning of life and lasting happiness.
I wish all of you a safe, healthy, meaningful and fulfilling life in the coming year.
May the New Year dawn with a new light of hope, love and wisdom. Happy New Year 2021!
With much love and blessings,
C.G. 01/01/2021 … from retreat cell.
Tashi Deleg Vajra Brothers and Sisters!
We are delighted to announce that “The Siddhi Mantra DUNGDRUP – The Hundred Million Nirmanakaya Guru Rinpoche Mantra” has been successfully accomplished on the auspicious Guru Rinpoche’s Day, September 26, 2020. The Sangha communities of Dechen Choekhor and its branch monasteries in the Himalaya have completed a total of 106,486,200 recitations of OM AH HUNG BENZRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUNG. If we add up the recitation by worldwide participants, it would be way above one hundred million. Every participant, with no exception, would obtain the merit of 100 million recitations equally.
As mentioned earlier, our beloved Guru shall initiate and preside over The Sambhogakaya Avalokiteshvara DUNGDRUP – The Hundred Million Mani Mantra "OM MANI PADME HUNG” – on October 1, 2020, the full moon day of Amitabha Buddha, coincidently also the Mid-Autumn Festival.
The Six Syllables Mantra is a simple to recite and yet an extremely powerful and blessful mantra. It is the quintessence of the mind of noble Avalokiteshvara and represents his great compassion and pledges to benefit sentient beings in all realms. Reciting the mantra helps shut the door of rebirth in the six realms of existence and unfolds the doorway to be reborn in the pure land of Buddha Amitabha.
Rinpoche deeply hopes and trusts that everyone will continue to participate and attain this great merit together. All participants are encouraged to recite a minimum of 1000 recitations daily, which will take approximately ten minutes in average. For all Dharma practices, please always remember to perform it with The Three Excellences.
With the immense blessings of our Guru and the Three Jewels, may we transform all challenges into the Path of Bodhi. May every misfortune, strengthen our faith and confidence in the Buddhadharma. May we rise above all obstacles and setbacks in life. May we be blessed with the skill and wisdom to truly benefit self and other.
Rejoice your participation. Sarwa Mangalam!
(written according to Rinpoche’s words of advice)
Click to view and listen to The Lord Chenrezig Short Supplication by Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo
The Vajra Guru SIDDHI DUNGDRUP 2020
Good day Vajra brothers and sisters!
On the 10th day of the Saga Dawa month (May 23, 2020), Rinpoche has initiated a one-year “Hundred Million Joint Recitation of the Vajra Guru Mantra” to benefit beings – pacifying their obstacles and harmful influences; fulfilling their wishes according to Dharma; and planting the cause and condition for them to be reborn in the Pure Lands of Copper-colored auspicious Mountain to receiving teaching, realizes the ultimate meaning and attains complete enlightenment.
This Joint Recitation has received overwhelming participations from the Sangha community of Dechen Choekhor and its branch monasteries. As of August 31, DCM has completed 77 million of the Siddhi Mantra, and is expected to accomplish the 100 million recitation by end September 2020.
During this period, hundreds of Vajra brothers and sisters have participated in this joint practice and have recited millions of the Siddhi Mantra. Rinpoche said that every participant, with no exception would obtain the merit of 100 million recitations, equally. At the same time, he will extend the dedication to all sentient beings, especially the participants of the DCM Annual Pujas.
After the completion of The Hundred Million Vajra Guru Mantra Recitation, Rinpoche will initiate and preside over another DUNGDRUP joint recitation – The Hundred Million Avalokiteshvara Mantra "OM MANI PADME HUNG” – beginning of next month. Rinpoche hopes that everyone could continue to recite the Vajra Guru Mantra throughout September, and join the "OM MANI PADME HUNG” recitation in October. The principle of recitation is the same as that of Vajra Guru – a minimum of 700 recitations daily, which will take less than ten minutes in average, and the maximum of 5000 recitations, which can be completed in one hour at most. It is our Guru’s deepest wishes to see the active participation of everyone.
Whether it is the recitation of the Vajra Guru Mantra or the Avalokiteshvara Mantra, please practice with The Three Excellences:
1) Refuge and Bodhicitta.
2) Maintain the Five Perfections during recitation:
a. The perfect lord – visualize Guru Rinpoche or Avalokiteshvara inseparable from guru.
b. The perfect teaching – understand that the Vajra Guru or Avalokiteshvara Mantra encompasses the essence of all the 84,000 Dharma taught by Lord Buddha.
c. The perfect place – imagine that you are dwelling in the Pure Land of Guru Rinpoche or Avalokiteshvara.
d. The perfect disciples - envisage that all the disciples are in the form of the deity.
e. The perfect time – recognize that the times are beyond the past, present and future.
3) Dedicate the accumulated merits to all beings with the relevant dedication prayers.
We are truly grateful and forever indebted to our Guru for his boundless and impartial compassion to all sentient beings, particularly to us, his most fortunate disciples. It is only through genuine devotion one can enter the correct path of practice, and this is the utmost essence of Vajrayana.
We have met the sublime guru who has generously bestowed us the priceless treasure of Dharma, and constantly caring for us, guiding us lovingly and patiently. Let cherish this greatest fortune wholeheartedly with our body, speech and mind – diligent in practice, upholding perfect Samayas, and be kind to all living beings.
(written according to Rinpoche’s words of advice)
Click to view and listen to The Vajra Guru Short Supplication by Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo
Choekyi Gonpo’s on the Reason for Holding the Puja of “Pacifying The Blaspheme of Mamo”
In order to pray that the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic and various disasters in the world can be quickly quelled, under Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo’s instruction and guidance, Dechen Choekhor Mahavihara, Kullu, has initiated a three-day “Pacifying the Blaspheme of Mamo
Puja” from July 17th to 19th, 2020.
The “Smoky-Charcoal Goddess," also known as The Auspicious Goddess (Palden Lhamo or Mahakali in general; or more specifically, Vetali in Sanskrit, or Dudsolma in Tibetan), is the lord of the masses of the ten million Mamos (female gods) and the lord of The Eight Classes of Gods and Demons. Although she is the master of the worldly gods and spirits, she is not an arrogant worldly god. Her appearance is the compassionate manifestation of the nature of emptiness arise from the unshakable state of Dharmata. Therefore, she is also renowned as the "Bhagavan Smoky-Charcoal Goddess." She has outer, inner and secret, different levels of identity and meaning. Externally, she is the “Smoky-Charcoal Goddess," manifested as a wisdom Dharma protector. In fact, she is a Bodhisattva that has already attained the tenth Bhumis. Innerly, she is the Supreme Mother Tara, Parnashavari, Vajravarahi and Krodikali. Secretly, she is Prajnaparamita, the true nature reality, the ultimate state of Dharmata.
It is said that if people desecrate Mamos, it angered the Momos, and then brings forth diseases
and disasters to the world. There are many causes that anger the Mamos, "ignoring the karma cause and effect" is the main reason. Other including: practitioners and monks who do not keep the pratimoksha vows, the Bodhisattva vow, and the Samayas of the Secret Mantrayana, or easily let the vows and precepts to decline, being violated or destroyed. Lay persons disregarding the karma cause and effect, committing the ten unwholesome actions or the five sins with immediate retribution, etc. All these consider the blasphemy against the Mamos.
In order to quell the calamities caused by the blasphemy of Mamos, on top of paying attention to the karma cause and effect, repent sincerely and mend one's mistaken ways, we should also rely on the Lord of Mamos, "The Smoky-Charcoal Goddess," making offerings, praises, confession to her. Only through calming and appeasing the desecration of Mamos, the catastrophes and diseases can be pacified. And, mankind can be at peace, with favorable weather and conditions, and abundant harvest of all food crops and successes. As practitioners of Vajrayana, in order to achieve the benefit of all living beings, we should rely on “Dudsolma – The Smoky-Charcoal Goddess", practice her offering and confession ritual accordingly, this is what we should do as our own practice.
In the face of the epidemic, Tibetan Buddhism placed great importance in the rituals of offering, remedial, and confession to “Dudsolma.” Properly initiated puja in accordance with the tradition is able to pacify 404 types of diseases, 21,000 kinds of adversities or misfortunes, and mollify the devastations caused by 360 kinds of spirits and demons, as well as the
80,000 hostile forces. This is the reason why Dechen Choekhor holding this puja.
Sarwa Mangalam!
(written according to Rinpoche’s words of advice)
Today is the “triple multiplying sacred day” – the Saga month, the 30th special day of Buddha Sakyamuni, and the rare Solstice Solar Eclipse – that is very exceptional and almost
impossible to occur.
I urge everyone to do a lot of meditations, especially during the eclipse period; remain in the state of Buddha’s nature, and meditate.
According to Tantrayana, the outer Cosmos energy and the inner human winds are interconnected. The outer Sun and Moon are correlated to the two karmic wind channels of Roma and Changma in our body that create various samsaric emotions. During the eclipse, the karmic winds in the Roma and Changma will naturally enter into the central channel, Avadhuti. All the purpose of Vajrayana meditation and yogas practices are to bring these
karmic winds of Roma and Changma into the central channel of Avadhuti. Thus,
the eclipse moments are the greatest opportunity to realize the true nature of mind, and that is why it is very powerful to meditate during this period. As usual, prior to meditation, generate bodhicitta, and at the end aspiration and dedication – Dampa Sum, the Three Excellences for all practices.
Do not waste time. Do not engage in any non-virtue activities. Do all virtues. The king of virtues is to remain in the state of meditation. Those who know how to meditate should meditate. Those who do not know how to meditate should also strive to perform a simple meditation – by merely remain in silence and concentration will be of tremendous benefit. It
is said that just thinking or wishing to meditate, the merit would be very much higher than reading, writing or any other form of practices. Because it is the direct approach to the Buddha’s enlightenment, the direct approach to the ultimate realization, the direct path to Buddhahood.
May all be Auspicious!
Choekyi Gonpo
June 21, 2020
Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche Initiated the Yearlong Saga Dawa “Guru Pema Hundred-Million Mantra Recitation” Practice for Worldwide Participants
(June 1st, 2020 – September 30th, 2020)
Tashi Deleg Everyone!
The current sacred month of Saga Dawa (Wesak month) according to the Tibetan calendar is the fourth lunar month. In a year, there are so many auspicious days such as the first month – Chothrul Dawa – the Hundred-thousand Multiplying Miracle Month where the effects of any positive or negative actions are multiplied 100,000 times during this month; the fourth month – Saga Dawa; the ninth month – Buddha's Descent Day or Lhabab Duchen, etc. Among these, Saga Dawa is regarded as the most virtuous in terms of merit generation. Why? Because this month commemorating the three main events of Lord Buddha’s life: birth (demonstrate remarkable conception), attain enlightenment and enter Mahaparinirvana.
During this month, any virtues we engage will multiply by ten million times. For example, if you recite one-time Six-syllables Mani mantra, its merit will multiply ten million time equivalent to ten million mantra recitation. Similarly, if you recite the Vajra Guru’s heart mantra, it will also be multiplied to ten million times merit. If you recite the Vajra Guru mantra 100 times, it will increase to one billion times. Therefore, the merits and benefits of practicing virtues in this month are incredibly vast.
Not only that, generally, every tenth day of the Tibetan lunar month is the auspicious Guru Rinpoche's day – where he demonstrates various magical powers. On the 10th day of the Saga month, the King of Zahor and his evil ministers tried to burn Guru Rinpoche and Mandarava alive, but he transformed the flame into a lake (the present Tso Pema), and emerged with Mandarava on a lotus blossom in its centre. This steered every inhabitant of the entire kingdom onto the path to enlightenment. Therefore, the fourth Tibetan lunar month is highly valued by all Vajrayana followers as the sublime Buddha’s month, as well as the auspicious month of Guru Rinpoche manifests the extraordinary magical displays.
In addition, our monastery in Kullu – Dechen Choekhor Mahavihara is located near Tso Pema. Thus, I have initiated a special “Yearlong Hundred-Million Guru Pema Mantra Recitation," begin on the 10th day of the Saga month. I encourage all my monks in Dechen Choekhor Kullu and Tibet, as well as all my disciples across the world to join this recitation. In the coming one year, let us join our heart and effort to complete this Hundred-Million Recitation together – – OM AH HUNG BENZRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG.
From left: The 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche, The 8th Adeu Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
All my three root gurus are the great masters foretold and blessed by Guru Rinpoche. In order to fulfill the wishes and aspirations of my root gurus, and to pacify all the obstacles and misfortune of boundless mother-beings, and to accomplish all sentient beings wishes according to Dharma, and finally be reborn in the Pure-land of Amitabha or the Copper-coloured Auspicious Mountain and meet Guru Rinpoche face to face, receiving teachings, realizing the ultimate meaning of Dzogchen and attain Buddhahood. Above is the reason for me initiating this event.
The merits of Guru Rinpoche’s Nirmanakaya manifestation of the Buddha are extraordinary and incredible, even the Buddha himself could not express in its entirety, let’s alone the Srāvaka (hearers or direct disciples) and Pratyekabuddha (solitary realizers). Even though we could not describe its merits of liberation, but through the Termas hidden by Guru Rinpoche and later rediscovered by the treasure revealers, such as Padma Kathang (The Chronicles of Padmashambhava) and numerous impeccable Vajra speech, we have been able to get in touch with many Biographies of the Lotus Born Master. I shall record some teachings about the benefits of the mantra and the biographies of the Lotus Master, to encourage everyone to engage in this practice and benefit from it.
I plan to share these stories of Padmasambhava every Sunday in time to come. By reading the merits and benefits of Guru Rinpoche’s mantra and his biography, you will be able to recognize the incredible merits of Guru Rinpoche practices, and hopefully with that, help to transcend devotees from “entering with faith” to “entering with Dharma." The so-called "entering with faith" is akin to blind faith, and "entering with Dharma" is based upon a clear understanding of the citations and reasons, and the subsequent naturally arising faith. If you can "enter with Dharma," you will have unchanging and unrelenting faith and confidence.
In the upcoming weekly announcement, there will be additional Dharma teachings on top of the excerpts of Guru Rinpoche’s biography and the benefits of his heart mantra. I will transmit these teachings directly in Tibetan, and later be translated into Chinese and English. Hope no one will undermine it. Read carefully and fully comprehend it. It is no different from my actual presence, no different from seeing me, and hearing the teachings from me in person. The content that I intend to teach will include the overall Dharma, especially the Mantrayana of Vajrayana. The sources of these teachings are originated from my three root-gurus. I have relied on the three of them for many years. From them, I have heard the true and impeccable teachings. Now, I will present these precious teachings to all of you. They are flawless and free of any faulty elements. If there is anything that you have not heard, it is not my own makeup, but it is presented to everyone in an unmistakable way after reading and comprehending the scriptures. I hope this can benefit all of you.
Regarding the number of mantra recitation, if you recite only 100 times a day, the progress will be slower. Therefore, I hoped that those who participate in the mantra recitation could begin by reciting 300 times a day.
If you are used to the recitation, reciting 300 times a day will only take about 6-7 minutes. It is quick and easy to develop this habit. No matter how slow you recite, you can complete 300 recitations in about 8-10 minutes. As a Dharma practitioner, you cannot just be spending ten minutes a day reciting the Vajra Guru’s heart mantra, can't you? Therefore, at the beginning, you should aim to recite 300 times in 6-10 mins.
If you continuously recite 300 times every day, in one-year time (based on 360 days), you can complete 108,000 recitation.
If you recite 500 times a day, which can be completed in about 10-15 minutes, and you will conclude 180,000 recitation a year.
If you recite 1000 times a day, which can be done in about 20-30 minutes, and you accomplish 360,000 times a year. In fact, it should only take around 20 minutes, unless you add the break time to sip some tea or water, then it may take 30 minutes.
Those who recite 500 or 1,000 times a day can be considered as medium-level diligence.
As for reciting 2000 times a day, it takes about 45-60 minutes, and you can complete 720,000 times a year. This is based on reciting in a very relax manner. Unless it is recited really slow, 2000 recitations usually takes no more than an hour. Tibetans can normally recite 3500-4000 times in one hour. Let's set it at 2000 recitations in an hour! This number of recitation is also being considered as medium-level diligence.
If you recite 3000 times a day, it is considered as high-level diligence. If it is a one-time recitation, it can be completed within one hour and a half, so there will be 1.08 million recitation a year. It can also be split into two sessions, say 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening, with that you too can complete 3000 recitations a day. In fact, reciting 3000 times at one go probably takes less than 60 minutes. Conservatively, we set to complete it in about 60-80 minutes; this is less than one hour and a half.
If you recite 3500 times a day, it should take approximately one hour and a half or so, and in one year you can accomplish 1.26 million recitation. You can set this number as your highest target. This is the limit of the average person, but it doesn't mean that you cannot exceed this number, of course, some people can recite more.
Generally, the so-called "One Hundred Thousand Recitation" is to multiply the number of syllable of the mantra by one hundred thousand times as a reference value for the required number of recitations. For example, Guru Rinpoche’s Heart Mantra has 12 syllables, so the reference value for this mantra is 1.2 million times. Therefore, if you recite 3,500 times a day, you can complete the standard required number of 1.26 million times a year with a surplus of 60,000. These practitioners are considered the highest faculty with high level of diligence.
That is all for now, I guess. It should be very clear. Thank you!
Our goal is to complete the 100 million mantras recitation in one year. Even if the participants can only recite a small amount of mantra every day, as long as they participate in this joint practice, everyone will eventually attain the merits and benefits of the hundred-million mantra recitation. Therefore, I hope that everyone can participate in the "Guru Pema Mantra Recitation Joint Practice," this is very important and beneficial.
If we only rely on our own effort, it is very difficult, or almost impossible to complete a hundred million recitation of Guru Pema mantra in this lifetime. However, if you join in this practice, everyone will eventually obtain the merit of 100 million recitation. I hope everyone can recite at least 300 times a day, or at most 3500 recitations daily. I urge all of you to participate actively according to your own time and obligation.
Finally, I wish you all long life with good health; best of luck in everything you do!
Translated and compiled by Dondup Pema Namgyal according to Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo’s voice recording in Tibetan on June 1, 2020, the tenth day of Guru Rinpoche’s Day of the Saga month. May all be auspicious!
Many friends and students have expressed concern toward our beloved Guru and all the monks at Dechen Choekhor during the current lockdown in India. We thank all of you dearly for your constant care and love for all of us.
Since Dechen Choekhor is still closed for visitors, Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo has instructed a number of monks to enter into retreat. Meanwhile, the daily, monthly and yearly pujas are going on as usual. On top of that, under Rinpoche’s advice, our monks have been performing additional pujas and recitations for the pacification of the pandemic. We have been reciting numerous millions of Padmashawari Vajra Armor mantra for the afflicted patients, and over ten millions of Mani mantra to benefit the deceased.
In this sacred Saga Dawa, Rinpoche deeply wishes and hopes that all his students could strive to practice more to benefit self and other. Perform our daily practice, generate bodhicitta. Constantly observe our own mind, meditate. Some of us may not be able to practice as much due to other commitments; Rinpoche advised that it is more important to be a good human being than a prolific practitioner but a terrible jerk. Practice must be based upon a good heart and positive attitude. Generate a strong wish to practice and rejoice wholeheartedly the merits of other. This powerful aspiration shall ripen in the near future, and we will be blessed with the cause and condition to fulfil our wishes.
Finally yet importantly, Rinpoche encourages all of us, if possible, try to be a vegetarian and promote vegetarianism. If that is not achievable, one may observe vegetarian diet on the entire Saga Dawa or on every 15th and 30th day of the Tibetan lunar month. Praise and rejoice wholeheartedly the merit of those who are vegetarian.
The essence of life saving is not killing. If we do not eat meat, then there is no need to kill. If we eat less meat, there will be less killing. This is the law of demand and supply. For those who eat meat, Rinpoche stressed repeatedly that we should never never consume freshly killed or live creatures. Otherwise, it is direct contradiction to who we are. Furthermore, we should never encourage other to eat meat.
If we wish to attain enlightenment, we must follow what Buddha did – meditate. And, in order to do that we must first listen, study and contemplate on Dharma. The essence of Dharma is wisdom and compassion. Only with wisdom, the genuine compassion that truly benefits all beings can arise.
Happy Saga Dawa. Sarwa Mangalam!
Today is the Tibetan New Year - LOSAR. For the followers of Tibetan Buddhism, LOSAR is an especially sacred month that commemorates the 15-days of Lord Buddha's miraculous displays to instill and heightens faith among the non-believers as well as his disciples. This period has a great multiplying effect of one's virtues. Keeping this in mind, we should realign our mind and make a determine resolution for the betterment of self and other.
There are lots of challenges in the current world – the devastating bushfire, the rampant epidemics, the locusts' infestation and other terrifying natural disasters. Incalculable living beings suffer miserably. It will be a very challenging year ahead. We need to unite our hearts and mind toward positive deeds. With the collective virtues, altruistic aspiration and sincerest prayers of all, may the catastrophes caused by the disturbances of the four elements be pacified, and the world become a better place for all beings.
Wishing all an auspicious, healthy, peaceful and fulfilling LOSAR!
With fondest love and blessings,
Choekyi Gonpo
February 24th, 2020
The year of the Metal Rat of the Chinese twelve-year animal zodiac calendar brings with it promises of new beginnings and renewed hope.
In the past year, I am gratified and pleased to see the changes and growth of the disciples who are dedicated and diligent in their practices. I have seen the nourishment that Dharma has brought to you. I have seen your increasingly firm and resolute faith in the Buddhadharma. I have seen your courage marching fearlessly on the right path. This is the manifestation of your diligent practices; this is the infinite blessing of the sublime Dharma. I hope this will be the driving force for your continual practice in the future. Regardless whether you are advancing on the path or blocked down by obstacles, at all times, strive to maintain your diligence and compassion, and endeavor to eradicate self-grasping.
I also wish to express my deepest appreciation to all my dear disciples who have sincerely supported DCM and our whole year Grand Pujas. Thank you for your devotion and dedication. Rejoice in your aspiration and action to foster world peace and benefit beings. Your generous support and selfless dedication have enabled the enlightened activities of Dharma to continue to flourish, and benefit boundless mother-beings.
At this juncture of a new start, just like spring-cleaning before every lunar New Year, let us begin this year by investing in sincere efforts to cleanse ourselves of our entrenched bad habits and thoughts. Root out these negative aspects of your lives and strive to get closer to your innate Buddha nature. The very key to that is loving-kindness and impartial compassion toward all living beings, especially animals of all kinds. Endeavor to generate bodhicitta and cultivate compassion at all time.
Seed of our "self" is thoughts. Improve that, and you will see the greatest transformation. Do not wait for the perfect timing to initiate the endeavor of change. There is no such thing. The time to act – is now.
In this New Year:
May the nectar of Dharma nourishes your body, speech and mind.
May you find the strength and resolve to uphold your practice and virtues.
May you heighten and broaden your loving kindness to embrace all living beings.
May you take to heart the wisdom of impermanence of our existence.
May you be endowed with the courage and faith to overcome all challenges that come your way.
Wishing you all an auspicious, peaceful, healthy and fulfilling Year of the Rat.
With much love and blessings,
Choekyi Gonpo
January 25th, 2020
The year 2020 is unfolding along with a new blank chapter to chart our lives. Once again, it is the dawn of new hope, new goals, new accomplishments. With diligence, self-discipline, perseverance and a good heart, march forward. You are already halfway there.
Ward off procrastination and the flowers of your effort shall ripen into the sweet-scented fruits of labor naturally. We all have the strength and power to live our lives to its fullest potential. Seize it!
Wishing you all, my friends and students, a very happy, healthy and fulfilling New Year 2020!!
With much love and blessings from my retreat cell,
Choekyi Gonpo
December 31st, 2019
My Dear Students and Friends,
In view of the immense challenges facing by my dear students in the past year, and most probably the year ahead, I have initiated a special ten-day Grand Namgyal Tongchod to benefit all my students, particularly those who are inflicted by sicknesses, suffered from constant pains, as well as those struggle with financial challenges, difficulties at home, in work or hindrances in their spiritual practices.
The Victorious One of the Crown Protuberance, known as "Tsugtor Namgyalma" in Tibetan is a Deity of Longevity and Purification. Namgyalma practice is especially powerful and effective in removing obstacles and cleanses negative karmas that hindered good health and long life; pacifying negativities, purifying evil deeds and obscuration, as well as fulfilling good wishes. According to scriptures, her mantra has infinite benefits and blessings. It is said to be so powerful that anybody who hears it will never again be reborn in the lower realms.
On each day of the puja, one thousand sets of torma, butter lamp, saffron water, flower, incense, victory banner, etc., will be meticulously prepared and respectfully offered according to the tantric rituals. At the same time, we will complete ten thousands recitation of the long mantra and ten thousands circumambulation of the holy stupa in these 10 days periods. Such a large-scale puja is only possible to be performed by a big monastery with well trained monks. The blessings and merits resulted from this kind of grand puja will be incredibly powerful and vast.
During these ten days periods, I hope all my students, will endeavor to engage in virtues, and if possible, recite the short mantra of Namgyalma “OM DRUM SVAHA ཨོཾ་བྷྲཱུཾ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ།” for at least one thousand times each day. This will help to pacify whatever obstacles that troubling you at home, at work and accumulate incredible merits for longevity, good health and accomplishment.
Below are some of the benefits of Namgyal Tongchod according to the tantric sadhana:
a) It helps to purify all your sins and their imprints.
b) It helps to pacify all your obstacles of the present and future.
c) It helps to grow and increase your life span, fortune, wisdom and all your other good qualities.
d) After life, you will be reborn in the Pure Land of Bliss.
e) It assists you to swiftly attain the great enlightenment.
To those who merely think of her, may the Glorious Namgyalma fully bestow upon them the siddhis of a perfect life and victory over the hostile Mara of the Lord of Death. May the auspiciousness of this puja prevail in the three worlds and benefit limitless mother beings.
With much love, care and blessings,
Choekyi Gonpo
March 1st, 2019.
Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo Blessings From Retreat Cell
My Dear Friends and Disciples,
In conjunction with the New Year, I have written a syllable HUNG “ཧཱུྃ” during my months-long retreat and blessed it intensely. Hope this will inspire and increase your faith and diligence, and swiftly realize the ultimate meaning of all Buddhas.
HUNG represents the Vajra mind of all Buddhas of the three times. It is composed from HA, U, MA, three alphabets, and is the mind representation of all Buddhas, Dharma, Sanghas, Gurus, Yidams and Dakinis. In Vajrayana, no syllable is more important than HUNG. All mandalas, all deities are originated from HUNG. It represents the Buddha's mind, the enlightened mind.
HUNG consists of five components, represents the five Buddhas. Lots of mantras contain HUNG as the seed syllable. The root expression of all Buddhas, Yidams, Dakinis and Dharmapalas is HUNG. The sounds of all Buddhas are made-up of different syllables, but the most important one is HUNG. In meditation, you can visualize HUNG, or visualize your body as HUNG. This is very effective in purifying sicknesses, cleansing karma and pacifying obstacles of the path.
In this auspicious month of Bumjur Dawa, especially on the upcoming Chötrul Düchen, I wish all of you, with a happy and open heart, joyfully endeavoring in virtues and merit accumulation.
LOSAR Tashi Deleg & May all be auspicious!
With love and blessings from retreat cell,
Choekyi Gonpo
February 12th, 2019
Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche LOSAR Greetings
My Dear Friends and Disciples,
The New Year of the Earth Pig is knocking on our doors! Here too are my warmest wishes for good fortune and best of life.
Like the reception of every New Year, many of us will come up with a list of New Year resolutions and try to accomplish it during the year. I would like to request you to add just one more task to that list, that is -- to LOVE yourself!
Love yourself for recognizing your potential to be a Buddha, a bodhisattva. Acknowledging your Buddha nature, the Bodhicitta within. Cherishing your precious human life and its vessel for making the impossible possible. That's why Lord Buddha said, "The one that we should care most is - our own self." It is through loving yourself and by internalizing the Four Immeasurable Thoughts of Love, Equanimity, Compassion and Joy that your heart be filled with impartial loving kindness, and touched those around you. And, love is contagious. Eventually, the seemingly cold and cruel world will be warmed by your fountain of COMPASSION and BENEVOLENCE.
Bring out your BODDHICITTA nature, even for one minute, an hour, a day or in any small acts of kindness. Do this every day in the coming year, and eventually, you will be amazed that you are naturally practicing it throughout your life without being reminded.
Happy Chinese New Year & LOSAR Tashi Deleg!
With much loves and blessings,
Choekyi Gonpo
Feb. 5th, 2019
My Dear Friends and Students,
We are at the dawn of yet another new year. The first golden rays of dawn fill our hearts with warmth and fresh hopes.
I hope the dawn of this new year will similarly inspire in us the hope for a fresh start; hope to live our life to our full potential; hope to change ourselves into a more compassionate and peaceful human being; hope to become a better dharma practitioner.
The hope for positive change in our world is admirable and necessary. However, it will not come from outside. The change should start from within ourselves. We have to become the change we want to see in our world.
Therefore, I sincerely request all of you to look inward, look into your own lives. Look back at the past year and reflect deeply. Reflect on the deeds that we can be proud of. Reflect on the deeds that we think we could have done better. Reflect on the missed chances to improve our world.
Each one of us is blessed with the potential of Buddha nature to change the world around us for the better. With this human form, we are fully endowed with all the tools to bring the change we want to see. We have the intelligence, the compassion, the wisdom, and the spirituality to create a peaceful and loving family, neighborhood, country and world. Start with ourselves, and endeavor to become more a compassionate, loving, caring and inspiring person.
May all of us be blessed with such courage, wisdom and strength to bring the change we wish for. Wishing you all a fulfilling and blessed new happy year ahead.
Many Tashi Deleg!
Choekyi Gonpo
January 1st, 2019.
Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo 2018 Message
My Dear Friends and Dharma-Sangha Disciples,
Happy New Year!
I am happy that together, we have walk through a significant 2017. During this year, I am delighted to see that more and more of my disciples are practicing the Dharma with advancement. I deeply believe that compassion and bodhicitta are the foundation and method of all practices. I sincerely hope that every one of you, through long-term practice and accumulation of merit, that you will be able to integrate Dharma more and more into your daily life and workplace. And that your spiritual practices and Dharma are capable of nourishing your mind and soul more deeply, benefiting each and every one of you.
I also want to thank you all dearly for your hard works and selfless supports in the Inauguration and Opening of our Dechen Choekhor this year. I am thanking not just for your support in the construction of the monastery, but also your invaluable contributions to our yearly prayers which are fundamental to the continuation and thriving of our lineage practices.
In the past twenty-five years, the construction of this monastery was my foremost responsibility and task. In these twenty-five years, there were countless wakeful and restless nights, incalculable hardships and challenges, innumerable difficulties and setbacks ... but that have never shaken my determination to rebuild the monastery. Until now, I could still recall clearly my root guru - Adeu Rinpoche's words: "You must rebuild Dechen Choekhor; it is the head of Drukpa Kargyu. Without the head, Drukpa Kargyu only left with mere body. Without a leader, it has no life force."
I strive over two decades to fulfill the aspirations and instructions of my root guru. I spent more than twenty years to rebuild the monastery of great importance to Drukpa Kargyu. I suppose this is one of the highest offering of my faith and devotion to my guru. It is the unsurpassed path of my spiritual practice. Here, I hope my disciples too, like myself, could profoundly realize the quintessence of Vajrayana practice. Through completely relying trusting your guru, one enters into the correct unmistaken path of practice.
Well, now, the rebuilding of Dechen Choekhor monastery has finally completed. She is like a kind beautiful mother, always waiting and welcoming the returns of her children with open arms. As the New Year begins, let us share the joy of spiritual practices, soothes each other worries, and enjoys the warmth like a big family.
Last but not least, I want to thanks Lily, whom with tremendous courage and devotion, dedicated her body, speech and mind into serving and fulfilling the guru's wishes. And to my team and all of you, my dear friends and students across the globe, who have for many years, worked tirelessly and selflessly to assist my Dharma activities. In the future, this team will take on more dharma works and responsibilities to serve our big Dharma-Sangha family. Please have faith in your spiritual journey, trust your crew and support their works.
May each of us have a meaningful 2018. May the Dharma be with us. My blessings and protection are with you all, always! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Choekyi Gonpo
Photo caption: The 9th Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo posted with the statue of The 1st Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo, whom are widely known as the Lord of all Vajra Holders of Tsari, the sacred meditation retreat place to the Drukpa Kargyu for centuries.
My Dear Dharma Friends,
I hope you all are doing well. Here are the few words I want you all to keep at heart.
Don't expect too much when you practice the dharma. In Vajrayana, your practice itself is the result, the fruit. Thus, practice diligently.
Hoping to achieve any results too fast or too desperately can be an obstacle on the path of Vajrayana. No one can realize the nature of mind too easily, but everyone may have a glimpse of it through the Guru's blessings. Thus, just continue to meditate. The great wise ones say, "It is not meditation, but to get used to or to familiarize with." This means you have to maintain awareness always - that is mediation.
If you can't do this in the beginning, then try to meditate whenever your time permits. But, don't chase for immediate results or expect things to change dramatically. If you do, the Mara will enter. We should not be trapped in hope. If we are trapped in hope, then naturally we will be trapped in fear as well.
Practice the Middle Path. This is especially true for those who have a decent job or career. They should not simply give up their jobs or quit working. Keep the jobs or works, and offer your best to serve mankind and humanity. Just ensure that Dharma is part of your everyday life, your way of life. Be kind and always cheerful and helpful at the workplace. Maintain a joyful heart and treat all with kindness. Find time to practice whenever and wherever you can. Live a healthy life. Be responsible; take care of the people around you. Be skillful; do not project the image of a religious fanatic. Focus on the devotion to your guru. This is the only way to attain realization. According to Vajrayana, if you lose devotion to your guru, it is the sign that the biggest Mara has entered into your heart. Be aware of it!
I want all my students to learn this and take this as their way of lives to cultivate a healthy Dharma-Sangha community. MARA IS EGO. DHARMA IS EGOLESSNESS. That's why we all can be bodhisattvas.
With much love and blessings,
Mother's love is said to be one of the closest to the unconditional or universal love. There are numerous Sutras expounded by Lord Buddha on the deep kindness of parents and how to repay their kindness. All these teachings highlight the importance of honoring and repaying the kindness of one's parents. In Vajrayana particularly, disrespecting, disregarding or not repaying the kindness of one's parents, is considered a severe transgression of samayas.
Soon after Buddha was born, his mother passed away. After attaining enlightenment, in order to repay his mother's kindness and to liberate her from the cyclic existence, Buddha went to Tushita heaven for three months to teach the holy Dharma to his mother. Even Lord Buddha has to carry out the actions on repaying the kindness of his mother. Thus, it's extremely important for each and every one of us, every humankind, particularly the Dharma practitioners, to remember, to appreciate and to repay the kindness of their mothers.
In the practice of bodhichitta, we always begin with remembering the kindness of our mothers, and with that examples, we develop our bodhicitta mind. Then, extending it to seeing that every living being had been our mothers in the past, to deepen and broaden our love and compassion.
The kindness of mother is boundless and limitless. Owing to her kindness, we were given this precious human life, and gotten the opportunities to do whatever we are doing now, specifically in meeting and practicing the sublime Dharma.
Someone like us, being born by them, and becoming a source of virtues. The sons or daughters, breathing a live of virtuous, and are pursuing the noble path of Lord Buddha. The causes and conditions of all the good things that we are engaging now through Dharma, are wholly due to the kindness of our mothers. That's why our mothers shall be benefited the most from the virtues and merits we have accumulated through Dharma.
Mother's Day is a special day to remember and to repay our mother's kindness. Shower her with much love, respect and appreciation. This is the special occasion to make them happy and offer them the finest treatment. However, from the Buddhist perspective, the best way of repaying their kindness, is through Dharma. Bringing them Dharma, sharing with them the teachings of Lord Buddha, gently and skillfully. Nevertheless, if our parents are not yet into the Dharma, do not force them to practice Dharma. But, start with ourselves. Live our lives in accord to the Dharma, behave and act according to the Dharma. Inspire them through our practices, our attitudes. We should be kind; we should be good. The changes should be first seen in ourselves. When they see the positive changes in us, they will start appreciating the path that we followed, and naturally, their mind will turn toward the Dharma. Even if they do not practice the Dharma as we did, simply living their lives the Dharma way, is much more practical and meaningful than forcing them to be a serious practitioner.
Forcing them is not good. If you force them too much, they may get offended, agitated, and turned against or walked further away from the Dharma. Then, we became the source of their negative karma. It's because of our unskillfulness or incompetency, they rejected the Dharma. We should never force other to do what we do. If we truly love somebody, we should be the leading examples, the models of what they are yearning to see. Maybe, we can persuade them a little, but not too much.
One of the most important aspects of Bodhisattva is skilfulness. We have to be more mentally pure than being physically or verbally pure. Words and actions that may seem inappropriate, but was done with a pure mind and intention that give rise to positive results or virtues, is far more important than speaking the perfect words or performing the noblest acts, which later become the cause of someone else negative karma. Thus, maintaining a pure mind, pure motivation is incomparably more vital than striving rigidly to conform one's speech or action with the Dharma. Every word or deed of the Bodhisattvas, is done with the purest intention -- to benefit beings. Sometimes, what they utter or do, may not seem perfect, but their minds are always pure with their intention and motivation, solely for the benefits of beings.
Wishing all, a happy, meaningful and inspiring Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day!
With all my Warmth and Loving Care,
Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche
11th May 2014