Dakinis Day:
The Monthly Chakrasamvara Puja
Dechen Choekhor will be conducting a full day puja of Chakrasamvara - the main Yidam of our lineage, on the Dakini Day that fall on the 25th day of every Tibetan lunar month.
Should you wish to find out more details about this puja, please write to us: web@dechenchoekor.org
Thank you!
Chakrasamvara - The Main Meditational Deity
Heruka Chakrasamvara (Tib: Demchok Khorlo Dompa; 'Wheel of Perfect Bliss') is a tantric meditation deity (Yidam) of the Highest Yoga Tantra (Anuttara) of Vajrayana Buddhism.
Chakrasamvara, along with Hevajra and Vajrayogini, are the three main meditation Yidam practices of the Kagyu Lineage. The Choegon Rinpoche Lineages is renowned as the incomparable accomplished master of Chakrasamvara and Mahakala Practices.
Drukpa Kargyu Chakrasamvara Thangka of Rechung's Khandro Nyen-gyud tradition (provided by Dechen Choekhor Monastery, Kullu, India)
Chakrasamvara Practice of Drukpa Kagyu's Tradition
In the Drukpa Kagyu Lineage, the common Chakrasamvara deity practice is in the form of the Twelve-armed Chakrasamvara, belong to the Khandro Nyengyud traditions called Chakrasamvara of 'Rechungpa's Whispered Lineage' or 'Whispered Lineage of the Dakinis' (Tib: Khandro Nyen-gyud).
*Rechungpa is one of the Choegon Rinpoches' Line of Incarnations
Monks of Dechen Choekhor spend days to delicately draw out the Chakrasamvara Sand Mandala for the upcoming Seven-days Chakrasamvara Grand Puja, Dhemchok Druba in Dechen Choekhor Mahavihara
Importance of Yidam Practices
As the saying goes:
Lama is the source of blessings (Tib: Jyin lap gyi tsawa, Lama)
Yidam is the source of accomplishment (Tib: Nyur drub gyi tsawa, Yidam)
Dakini is the source of activities (Tib: Trinley gyi tsawa, Khandro)
Yidam is the Source of Siddhis (Accomplishments). It's said that nearly all the 84 remarkable Indian Mahasiddhas attained complete enlightenment through relying on this deity. And since the time when this Tantra was introduced into Tibet, many great Tibetan masters have also accomplished perfect realizations through this practice.
The practice of Yidam is a special and profound method to quickly transform ordinary worldly samsaric deluded appearances into the extraordinary enlightened experience of the true state of all phenomena. To be more accurate, the Yidam practice uncovers the actual state of ultimate appearances which is primordially pure, empty of inherent existence and unceasing. This purity and emptiness has always been there within us, but is obscured and unseen due to our confused and deluded mind.
Click on the links to:
View the Twelve-armed Chakrasamvara Practice
View the Two-armed Chakrasamvara Practice