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Long-Life Puja of Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo

The Long-Life Puja of The 9th Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo

Our beloved Guru - Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo has repeatedly advised us that it is not necessary to spend so much time and effort to celebrate his birthday. He said birthday is just a day marking someone is born to this world. Traditionally, hardly any masters’ birthdays were remembered or celebrated. Only the parinirvana anniversaries of the great masters were commemorated, and Guru Yoga puja is performed for the followers to receive blessings.

The three Long-Life Buddha - Buddha Amitayus, Tsuktor Namgyalma and  Arya White Tara.

The three Long-Life Buddha - Buddha Amitayus, Tsuktor Namgyalma and Arya White Tara.


We understood Rinpoche’s advice completely. However, our sole purpose and intention to celebrate his birthday and holding pujas are to request his lotus feet to remain firm and long in this world, to guide us, bless us and help us on the path to enlightenment. Under repetitive entreaty from worldwide disciples, Rinpoche has kindly and gracefully accepted our request to hold a special long-life puja on his birthday. The Long-Life Puja will be held in Dechen Choekhor Kullu, India, Dechen Choekhor Gonggar, Tibet, and the main branch monasteries of Dechen Choekhor.

We pray sincerely and deeply that Rinpoche’s lotus feet will remain firm and long;
We pray earnestly that Rinpoche be blessed with good and perfect health;
We pray wholeheartedly that Rinpoche’s enlightened activities will thrive far and wide;
We pray single-mindedly that we will never be parted from your blessings and protection, and swiftly attain the liberation from the samsara in this very life!

All are welcome to join the long-life puja and receive blessing.

Should you wish to know more about the puja, please write to us

Earlier Event: 21 October
Parinirvana of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Later Event: 21 November
The Grand Gonpo Drupchod