The Parinirvana Anniversary of Drukpa Kargyu Golden Rosary Masters:
The 1st Drukpa Yongzin Rinpoche
On the 30th day of the eleventh month of the Tibetan lunar calendar, is the parinirvana anniversary of Lhatsewa Ngawang Zangpo, one of the greatest yogi of Drukpa Kargyu, whose lineage later became to known as The Drukpa Yongzin Lineage.
Dechen Choekhor Monastery in Tibet, Kullu and all its branch monasteries shall be conducting extensive Lama Chodpa puja and engaging in Guru Yoga practices on this memorable day, marking the passing of this prominent Drukpa Kagyu master and Lineage Holder.
Lhatsewa Ngawang Zangpo (1547-1614), the 1st Drukpa Yongzin Rinpoche, and Kunkhyen Pema Karpo are the main disciples of Druk Shabdrung Choekyi Gonpo (the 1st Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche).
The 1st Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche, Druk Shabdrung Choekyi Gonpo; renowned as the Dorje Dzinpa of Tsari
The 1st Drukpa Yongzin Rinpoche, Lhatsewa Ngawang Zangpo
Shabdrung Choekyi Gonpo and Drukpa Yongzin are traditionally called 'Shab-Yong'. The Shab-Yong Lineage is often revered to as the Sun and Moon of the Drukpa Kagyu Lineage.
Together they founded the monastery of Druk Dechen Choekhorling, which for centuries became the source of teaching and inspiration of our lineage. Since then many of the Drukpa Kagyu's masters took Drukpa Choegon and Drukpa Yongzin Rinpoches as their spiritual root gurus; honoured and revered them as the main lineage holders. From there, develop over three hundred monasteries as the direct or indirect branch of Dechen Choekhor.
During the time of Lhatsewa Ngawang Zanpo, he is being revered as the role model for practitioners of all the four school of Tibetan Buddhism. He is highly respected by all monks, yogis and practitioners of all lineages. His realization, his writings, his life example, are the exact resemblance of the great yogi, Jetsun Milarepa.
Later, Lhatsewa Ngawang Zangpo brought about a huge renaissance in the Drukpa Kagyu tradition in 16th century. Under his tutelage a great number of mahasiddhas and panditas were produced. Forty five of them were known to have obtained the state of non-meditation, the highest realization state in the practice of Mahamudra as prophesized by Vajrayogini. Each of whom has set up their own monastic institutions, retreat practices and their own lineages. Thus it was said that the Drukpa Kargyu tradition spread once again like the sun's rays - far and wide.
Among Lhatsewa Ngawang Zangpo disciples include the Gyalwang Drukpa Pagsam Wangpo, the 2nd Choegon Rinpoche Dudjom Dorje, the 1st Khamtrul Rinpoche Ngawang Tenphal, the 1st Taktsang Repa, the 1st Dorzong Rinpoche Konchok Gyalpo, Pandita Sangye Dorjee, Trubchok Mipham Lodoe, Gampopa Zangpo Dorje, and Rinzin Gyatson Nyingpo.
The Precious Statues Made by Lhatsewa Ngawang Zangpo
Lhatsewa Ngawang Zanpo made five extremely precious statues of Milarepa. He pronounced that if he is the emanation of Milarepa, may these five statues be the exact representation of Milarepa, that benefit the lineage and countless beings in generations to come just like Milarepa himself. He added, "if I am a true direct emanation of Milarepa, may these statues grow hairs, and then he blessed all of them. These Milarepa statues' hairs have continued to grow for over four centuries, and is still growing until today. Some well-preserved statues in Tibet and the Himalayan, their hairs are amazingly long, thick and lustrous. On right, is the self-made looked-like me statue of Lhatsewa Ngawang Zangpo. It's another truly blessful and amazing statue kept by Dechen Choekhor for centuries.
Like the anniversary of Lord Buddha's Mahaparinirvana, the parinirvana anniversary of great enlightened masters is regarded as a significant and particularly blessed day for serious Vajrayana practitioners.
The physical body of the gurus may have left this world, but their blessings remain. It is said that the guru's blessings are most powerful at the moment they enter nirvana and on all their parinirvana anniversaries. Therefore, these are the best moments with the highest possibilities for meditators and practitioners to become enlightened or heighten their realization.
On this day, practicing Guru Yoga with fervent devotion, supplicating earnestly, and meditating undistractedly, is akin to merging our ordinary minds with the enlightened mind of the masters. The powers of blessing and merit accumulated are incredible.
All are welcome to participate in this auspicious and beneficial event.
Should you wish to find out more details about this puja, please write to us:
Thank you!